We've finally hammered out the details of what looks to be a wonderful year of reading! There were so many intriguing books to choose from; the books that we didn't pick will be reconsidered for next year. We will be meeting for the first time on Friday, July 20th @ 7:30 p.m. Each meeting will be on the third Friday of every month. If there are any errors in this list, please let me know and I'll correct it right away. Happy reading, SNACKers!
Stirlings - The Education of Little Tree, Forrest Carter
Jones - The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict, Trenton Lee Smith
Chernoffs - Mortal Engines, Phillip Reeve
Pearsons - Mrs. Mike, Benedict and Nancy Friedman
Morris - Rifles for Watie, Harold Keith
Hoovers - Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte
Irlbecks - Song for Nagasaki, Paul Glynn
Skinners - The Swiss Family Robinson, Johann David Wyss
Spurgins - Animal Farm, George Orwell
Williams - Peter and the Star Catchers, Dave Barry